Grant Process

The Kaylor Yetto Family Foundation seeks to fund organizations or programs whose missions are aligned with ours. Organizations requesting grant funds must have 501(c)(3) designation in the United States. 

The Kaylor Yetto Family Foundation will fund innovative approaches and programs that align with our mission.

The Foundation will not provide funds to:

  • Non-501(c)(3) organizations

  • General operating support

  • Capital campaigns

  • Events or fundraisers

  • Congregations or religious organizations for projects that primarily benefit their members or for evangelical purposes

  • Individuals

Grant Amounts

For 2021 and 2022 the maximum grant amount will be $25,000. Applications for less than the stated amount are accepted and encouraged; you need not request the entire amount.

Please make the effort to support a strong proposal.

A strong proposal is:

  • Short. Please keep to one page.

  • Specific. We are much more likely to award a project-based grant than to simply join in contributing to a larger “pot of money” (e.g., a major fundraiser or a capital campaign)

    A strong proposal will address:

  • A description purpose and intent for what you want to do and accomplish

  • Who needs it, and why?

  • Outcome metrics: How will you measure progress/success of the project?

Please submit your proposal via email to and include 501(c)(3)

documentation and a link to your website (if available).